The Jewish Calendar

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Name of Month Modern Corellation No. Days Months of Sacred Year Official Calendar of Festivals Months of Civil Year
TISHRIS- I Kings 8:2 SEPT-OCT 30 7th  Day of Atonement- 10th day. Feast of Booths- 15th-22nd day 1st
HESHVAN or BUL- I Kings 6:38 OCT-NOV 29 or 30 8th   2nd
KISLEV- Ezra 10:9 NOV-DEC 29 or 30 9th Feast of Dedication of Temple-25th day 3rd
TEBETH- Est. 2:16 DEC-JAN 29 10th    4th
SHEBAT- Zech. 1:7 JAN-FEB 30 11th   5th
ADAR- Est. 3:7 FEB-MAR 29 or 30 12th Feast of Purim- 14th-15th day 6th
NISAN or ABIB- Exo. 13:4 MAR-APR 30 1st Passover- 14th-21st day 7th
IVAR or ZIF APR-MAY 29 2nd   8th
SIVAN- Est. 8:9 MAY-JUNE 30 3rd Feast of Weeks (Pentacost) 7th day 9th
TAMMUZ- Jer. 39:2 JUNE-JULY 29 4th   10th
AB- Num. 33:38 JULY-AUG 30 5th   11th
ELUL- Neh. 6:15 AUG-SEPT 29 6th   12th