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Preview: Predestination is defined as: An advanced decision by God about events. The doctrine that God, a deity, or fate has established in advance everything that is going to happen and that nothing can change this.

Scripture Reading: II Peter 3:15-18. 

Memory Verse: II Peter 3:9. 

1. Which has Christ predestinated us to; misery or to everlasting life? Ephesians 1:2-5. 
2. How were we predestinated? Ephesians 1:11. 
3. What does the Lord hate? Proverbs 6:16-19. 
4. Whom does the Lord hate? Romans 9:13-14. 
5. How did Malachi write of Esau? Malachi 1:3. 
Note: There is no unrighteousness with God. Esau did not regard, nor appreciate his heritage; he sold it for one meal of pottage. Men today are doing like Esau, their belly is their god, food is more important than salvation. The Lord hates sin; let us not yield to sin. Let us hold fast to our spiritual inheritance. 
6. How did the Lord regard Abraham? Genesis 18:18-19. 
Note: The Lord was well pleased with Abraham because he directed his children in the way of the Lord and endured to the end. Praise God. 
7. How do we have a choice in life and death? I Kings 18:21. 
8. Upon what condition can we abide in the love of Christ? John 15:10. 
Note: We are predestinated to be saved. Many are called, few are chosen. They refuse to answer the call. Many put Christ to an open shame. They accept Him today and turn their back on Him tomorrow. They hide Christ in the dark, and on their deathbed they acknowledge Him, but too late. 
9. What choice did Joshua give his people? Joshua 24:15. 
10. What is the Lord's concern for those who are lost? II Peter 3:9. 
11. To whom did Jesus invite to take up the cross? Mark 8:34. 
12. How can we have any part in salvation? Philippians 2:12. 
13. What did Peter understand about Paul’s Epistle? Was it hard to understand to whom it was for? II Peter 3:16. 
14. Who did Jesus commission His disciples to teach so that they may be saved? Matthew 28:19. 
15. To which nations did Jesus say to teach? Mark 16:15-16. 
16. Who did the Father give so that we may be saved? John 3:16. 
17. Who will be saved? Matthew 7:21. 
Note: Those that fall for the doctrine of “born to be saved or lost”, have been fed from the Devil's table, with their eyes closed, and must be awakened.