Unity of Believers

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Preview: There is one God, one faith, and one Church. We must stand together to be a part of that united front against the worldly Devil. 

Scripture Reading: John 17:12-22. 

Memory Verse: John 17:22. 

1. What relationship do the Father and the Son have? John 10:30. 
2. Of what does this oneness consist? John 5:30. 
Note: Their oneness consists of the same mind, will, and purpose. God never intended for His people to have different beliefs and faiths. 
3. What did Christ pray of the Father on behalf of His disciples? John 17:22-23. 
4. Why did Christ desire this oneness to be among His followers? John 17:21. 
5. To whom does this oneness identify? John 13:35. 
Note: God has united believers in the Church in order that each might strengthen others in good and righteous principles. It is those that are not moved by the Holy Spirit that will hinder the plan of God and cause division among God’s people. When believers are one in Christ, they will be united among themselves. 
6. How did Paul show his concern for unity? I Corinthians 1:10. 
7. What was the main cause of division in the early Church? Acts 20:29-30. 
8. What division was already at work in the days of the early Church? II Thessalonians 2:7. 
9. What did Paul say would take place before Christ returns? II Thessalonians 2:3-4. 
Note: The mistaken teaching today is that you cannot be united in the same mind and judgment, but that God will bring all minds and beliefs together when He comes. What a sad mistake. 
10. What do united believers in Christ form? I Corinthians 12:27. 
11. What else do we become members of when we are members of Christ’s Body? Romans 12:5. 
12. What is our duty when we are members of one another? I Corinthians 12:25. 
13. What should they always endeavor to keep? Ephesians 4:1-3. 
14. How will unity exist among His watchmen? Isaiah 52:8. 
15. What is necessary for us to hear the welcome voice of God? Revelation 14:12. 
16. Will there be a united cry from them when the Lord comes? Explain. Isaiah 25:9. 
Note: The Scriptures are plain all through the Bible that those that please the Lord will have the same mind and be perfectly joined together.