Watch Yourself

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Preview: We are each responsible for ourselves and the actions we take throughout our lives.

Scripture Reading: I Corinthians 10:1-11.

Memory Verse: I Corinthians 10:12.

1. Discuss the admonition given in the foregoing Scripture.
2. What are we advised to do? Matthew 26:41.
3. What did Paul say about self-examination? II Corinthians 13:5, I Corinthians 11:25-31.
4. Who are we most likely to examine? Matthew 7:3-5.
Note: It seems to be much easier for one to see and confess the transgressions of others, while overlooking our own faults. This is not pleasing to God or man.
5. Why is it mandatory that we examine our own lives in the light of God’s Word? Romans 14:11-13, Romans 14:19.
6. Should we watch lest we offend one of God’s children? Why? Matthew 18:6-11.
Note: This does not mean that we should be afraid to witness truth to anyone, but it must be done in a spirit of love and humility. It should be done when the Holy Spirit directs the timing. We cannot judge who may be one of God’s little ones who may still be out of the fold.
7. What is the duty of each one? Philippians 2:12-15.
8. How do we submit to God’s service? Romans 12:1-3, Romans 12:21, James 4:6-12.
9. Is it necessary to watch our speech? Why? Matthew 12:36-37, James 1:26, James 3:2, James 3:5-8.
Note: Our prayers should always be that the words of our mouth and the meditation of our heart be acceptable to God. Not only can the words we speak cause others to be lost, hurt, or discouraged, but they can condemn us and keep us out of the Kingdom of God.
10. What else must we do if we are to be a godly example to others? Why? Romans 2:17-23, I Corinthians 9:27.
11. Why must we give the most earnest heed to this lesson? Hebrews 2:1-3, Hebrews 3:12-15.
Note: So many times we are looking at the other fellow and somewhere fail ourselves and miss the blessing. After he gave his message to the people, Paul didn’t worry about how many he converted as much as he felt the necessity to see that he was doing the right things and keeping his body under subjection. This is a very important lesson for us today to examine ourselves. When we have thoroughly done that, we will find little time to be looking at our neighbor and finding fault. May the Lord help us to keep a close examination on our own lives; for everyone must give an account of himself. Only as we keep our own bodies under subjection and in accordance with God’s will can we be true lights and examples to the world.
12. Why did Christ warn everyone to watch? Mark 13:33-37, Mark 14:38.
Note: There is not one way for the Jew and another for the rest. All must come through the blood of Christ. It is not our good works, but God working through us that makes us His.
13. What is said of true stewardship? I Corinthians 4:1-2.
Note: God’s people must wake up, be sober (serious), and watchful. They must seek daily a closer walk with God through His Word, prayer, and fellowship with each other.