God's Safety

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Preview: There are many examples throughout the Bible of God providing protection to His faithful.

Scripture Reading: Psalm 23:1-6.

Memory Verse: Psalm 4:8.

1. What was David’s attitude toward the surrounding dangers in his day? Psalm 23:4.
2. How did the shepherd boy feel when in the presence of his enemies? Psalm 23:5.
3. How long did David expect the blessing of God to follow him? Psalm 23:6.
4. In what did the rich man place his trust? Luke 12:16-19.
5. How did God regard his security? Luke 12:20-21.
6. What further warning did Jesus give us in reference to our treasure? Matthew 6:19-20.
Note: Covet not this world’s vain riches, which so rapidly decay. Seek to gain the heavenly treasures, they will never pass away.
7. What kind of fire extinguisher did the three Hebrew boys make plans to use? Daniel 3:16-17.
8. What did the King see when he went to see their fate? Daniel 3:24-25.
9. What did Daniel have for protection in the lions’ den? Daniel 6:21-22.
Note: Why should we fear the ungodly who roam about us? Isn’t the God who kept the lions from attacking Daniel able to keep wicked men from attacking us?
10. What is promised to the man who trusts in flesh? Jeremiah 17:5-6.
11. What is promised to the man who trusts in the Lord? Jeremiah 17:7-8.
12. What kind of weapons has God authorized Christians to use? II Corinthians 10:4.
13. Whom did David trust for this defense? Psalm 62:5-8.
14. What advice did Isaiah give the children of Israel concerning weapons for their protection? Isaiah 1:16-20.
Note: Carnal weapons do not provide security for individuals or nations. Our bombs might frighten some of our enemies, but they don’t scare off earthquakes or volcanoes. Our Coast Guard might be able to drive back a few enemy planes, but they cannot drive back hurricanes or tornadoes. Perhaps our armed forces have postponed WWIII, but they have not postponed disasters, pestilences, and tragedies of all descriptions in this country and abroad. The God of Heaven is the only source from which mankind can obtain true security (protection, safety, certainty, freedom from worry).