Hindrances to Spiritual Growth

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Preview: It is important to recognize and avoid those things that will hold us back from growing in the Word of God.

Scripture Reading: Matthew 22:1-14.

Memory Verse: I John 2:15.

1. What worldly allurements prevented the escape of Lot’s wife? Genesis 19:17-26.
2. Do we find that she had children in Sodom? Genesis 19:12 & Genesis 19:14-15.
3. What will be the greatest concern for men and women prior to Christ’s coming? Luke 17:28-32.
4. What family ties prevented a certain man from following Christ? Luke 9:57-62.
5. What should we do with those weights that keep us from progressing in His work? Hebrews 12:1.
6. How did men try to hinder the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem? Nehemiah 4:6-15.
7. Will those that have His Spirit respond to the work of God? Acts 2:41.
8. Who is the father of all complaints and those that discourage others in the cause of God? John 8:44 & I Thessalonians 2:17-18.
Note: Twelve common tricks of the Devil that hold us back from Spiritual growth:
     1. Staying away from Church.
     2. Coming late.
     3. Using the condition of the weather as an excuse.
     4. When you attend meetings, finding fault with the pastor and others.
     5. Never accepting an office as it is easier to criticize than to do something for God.
     6. If you are asked to give your advice on some matters saying nothing.
     7. Telling others how all things ought to have gone after a meeting.
     8. Sitting around while others with their sleeves rolled up are working willingly.
     9. Getting out among the saints and saying the Church is run by one boss or few bosses. 
    10. Don’t pay your tithes in the Church of which you are a member.
    11. Sending your tithes somewhere else where no one will find out.
    12. Not bothering to pray to help others. Letting someone else do it while you stand back and kick every effort they are making.

    If you are practicing any of these twelve, correct your course accordingly.