Precious Promises

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Preview: God’s promises are conditional. If we meet the conditions given by God we always receive the benefit. The first condition to receive the special blessing of God is conversion; our nature must be changed from the natural man to the divine nature.

Scripture Reading: Matthew 5:1-12.

Memory Verse: Isaiah 65:1.

1. What was God’s promise to the children of Israel? Exodus 19:5-6.
2. What requirements did God expect from them? Deuteronomy 9:7, Romans 10:21.
Note: The special privilege given to Israel was that God chose them to be the example and leader of all the nations on earth. Because they failed in this, they have been one of the most harshly dealt with by God of all nations. When we look at them today in the light of eternal values, considering the opportunity they had, they are most pathetic.
3. What promise did God make to us? Joel 2:28-29.
4. How did He fulfill that promise? Acts 2:14-18.
5. What further consolation do we have? John 14:22-23.
6. What do we become when that occurs? Matthew 5:14.
7. What is the need of light? Matthew 5:15.
8. What are we commanded to do with our light? Why? Matthew 5:16.
Note: Just as God chose Israel to be an example in former days, so He has chosen us, Christians from all nations, to be an example today. Let us watch, lest we fail as Israel did, and instead of being an example we find ourselves conforming to the pattern of the world.
9. What happens when one accepts Christ? II Corinthians 5:17.
10. What does grace do since we are saved by it? Titus 2:11-12.
11. Of what nature do we partake when that occurs? II Peter 1:4.