Who Is a Murderer?

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Preview: A closer look at what murder is in the eyes of the Lord. 

Scripture Reading: I John 3:9-16. 

Memory Verse: I John 3:15. 

1. Who was a murderer from the beginning? John 8:44. 
2. Will we love Christ if God is our Father? John 8:42. 
3. Who can have eternal life if they hate their brother? I John 3:15. 
4. What did Cain do to his brother? Genesis 4:8. 
5. Why did Cain slay Abel? Genesis 4:3-7. 
6. What did God ask Cain and what was his response? Genesis 4:9. 
7. Why was God not pleased with the offering Cain brought? Hebrews 9:22. 
Note: Without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sins. Cain was trying to introduce a new doctrine into the Church by bringing the fruit of the ground, but God was not pleased with him and his offering as there was no shed blood. Abel was obedient to God and His commands, therefore, God was pleased with him. Cain was angry with Abel because he was in the favor of God and so he slew him. 
8. Why is it necessary for us to love our brothers? I John 2:10. 
9. Where is one when one does not love his brother? I John 2:9 & I John 2:11. 
10. What is a man that will say he loves God and hates his brother? I John 4:20. 
11. Will we love our brothers if we love God? Why? I John 4:21. 
12. What is it that proceeds out of the heart? Matthew 15:19. 
13. Why was Jesus murdered? Matthew 27:18. 
14. Where does thoughts of murder come from? Mark 7:21. 
15. Does love envy? I Corinthians 13:4. 
16. How are we to walk? Romans 13:13. 
17. How would you describe those that cause envy and strife? I Corinthians 3:3. 
18. Where does envy come from? James 3:14 & James 3:16. 
19. What did the Lord foretell of the Law? Isaiah 42:21. 
20. Describe how did Jesus fulfill this? Matthew 5:27-28. 
21. Who are we to love? Matthew 5:43-48. 
22. How are we to act when men hate us? Luke 6:22-23. 
23. How does one abide when they hate their brother? I John 3:14. 
24. Will we love one another if we know God? I John 4:7. 
25. Who is a murderer and who has eternal life? I John 3:14-15.