The Jewish Passover

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Preview: A Biblical review of the Passover.

Pre-reading: Joshua 5:2-12, Deuteronomy 16:1-8.

Scripture Reading: Exodus 12:1-14.

Memory Verse: Exodus 12:23.

1. Do we understand from the foregoing Scriptures that our safety depends on the blood sacrifice? Discuss. 
2. What was the first month of the New Year called? Exodus 12:1-2, Exodus 13:3-4, Esther 3:7.
Note: God instructed Moses to mark the beginning of the New Year at the time of their deliverance from Egypt. The first month was called Nisan or Abib. It corresponds with our present day calendar as March or April. They killed the Passover lamb on the evening of the fourteenth day of the first month. They ate it in the dark hours of the fifteenth day, and left Egypt in the morning of the same day.
3. How did God say they should keep the Passover after the people left Egypt? Leviticus 23:4-8.
4. What kind of sacrifice did Abraham offer many years before this? Genesis 15:7-12, Genesis 15:17-18.
5. What was God’s promise to Abraham at that time? Genesis 15:1-6, Genesis 15:13-16.
6. How exactly was this promise fulfilled? Exodus 12:39-41.
Note: After Abraham’s descendants had been in Egypt for four hundred and thirty years (four hundred of which were in bondage), God delivered them just as He had promised.
7. What promise did Joseph remind his brothers of? Genesis 50:22-26.
8. How do we know that the Jewish Passover was a pattern or shadow of something greater to come? Hebrews 10:1-4, Hebrews 9:19-23.
9. What did the animal sacrifices depict? Colossians 2:14-17, Hebrews 9:11-16.
10. How did John testify to this fact? John 1:29-36.
Note: God revealed to John that the Lamb of God had come. The animal sacrifices had only been a pattern of a shadow of the true Sacrifice which was the Son of God.