When Man Disobeys God

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Preview: God has given us a blueprint through His Word in the Holy Bible and it is our duty to study it and diligently do His will.

Scripture Reading: Judges 2:1-21.

Memory Verse: Judges 2:22.

1. What does it mean to disobey God and what are the consequences according to the foregoing Scriptures?
Note: To disobey means to defy, rebel, resist, ignore, violate, or disregard. When we fail to keep God’s Commandments we are guilty of all of these things.
2. What are God’s instructions concerning fellowship and marriage with unbelievers? Deuteronomy 7:1-5.
3. Was this command to all of God’s people as well as to Israel? Deuteronomy 7:6-9 & II Corinthians 6:14-16.
Note: Just as God advised Israel not to fellowship or intermarry with ungodly nations (or persons), He requires this of His Church today so that we are not unequally yoked with unbelievers.
4. What other warning did He give them? Deuteronomy 8:10-14 & Deuteronomy 8:17-18.
5. What consequence would result if they failed to obey? Deuteronomy 8:19-20.
Note: History records how accurately God’s judgment was executed on Israel. America was founded on Christian principles, she has evangelized the world, but as a nation, she is forgetting God. We are already seeing Him withdrawing His blessings. Our government and rich industries have made covenants with nations whose leaders do not even pretend to honor the God of Creation. God’s Word is forbidden in our schools and ridiculed in our entertainment. Society at large calls good evil and evil good. No wonder we are seeing the wrath of God unleashed in our land.
6. How did Saul fail to follow God’s instructions? I Samuel 15:1-3 & I Samuel 15:7-9.
7. Did he accept responsibility for his actions when exposed? I Samuel 15:13-15 & I Samuel 15:19-21.
8. Did God reject Saul because of this? I Samuel 15:22-23.
Note: Unless we acknowledge our sin and accept responsibility for our actions, there is no confession. Without confession, there is no repentance and without repentance there is no salvation. When the leaders are corrupt it corrupts the people. This is so plainly happening in our governments today. The majority of the people are worshipping the gods of immorality and prosperity. They have no concern for the morals of their leaders, and little do they know that the judgment and wrath of God is already at work.
9. What did Jesus teach about disobedience? Matthew 7:21-23 & Matthew 7:26-27.
10. Is a little bit of sin in our lives permissible with God? James 2:10-12, I John 3:3-8 & Revelation 22:12-15.
Note: If we hope to reign with Him we must obey all of His Commandments. Disobedience and rebellion will always produce destruction.