True Christian Examples

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Preview: Biblical accounts of what it means to be a Christian.

Scripture Reading: Acts 6:1-15.

Memory Verse: Acts 7:1.

1. Who hated Stephen for preaching truth in the foregoing Scriptures?
2. How could those religious leaders stop him from witnessing for Christ? Acts 7:2-10, Acts 7:17-22, Acts 7:33-34, Acts 7:36-39, Acts 7:51-60.
Note: Stephen was truly a man of God filled with the Holy Ghost. He loved God and man enough to die so that unbelievers might hear the Gospel of Christ and be saved.
3. How do we know that Stephen gained more than he lost? Mark 8:31-37, John 12:24-26.
Note: Have you died to self so that you might be made alive to God? Are you ready to lay down your life for Christ’s sake? Could you follow the example of Stephen to share the good news of the Gospel to fallen men?
4. What kind of example did the saints set when Saul was persecuting the Church? Acts 8:1-4.
5. Did Philip stop preaching or did Saul’s persecution cause him to work even harder? Acts 8:5-8, Acts 8:14-17, Acts 8:25.
6. How did God use Philip to show us how precious every individual in the world is to Him? Acts 8:26-39.
Note: It was considered unlawful for a Jew to have anything to do with other races. That attitude of prejudice still exists today among all races. Thankfully God was not and is not a respecter of persons, neither are His truly born again saints. Read Acts 10:34-43.
7. How did God stop Saul from persecuting His people? Acts 9:1-9.
8. How did Ananias’ example show us how faith in God could give us courage to forgive and assist our enemies? Acts 9:10-18.
9. How did Saul’s life and ministry change after he met Jesus? Acts 9:19-30.
Note: Saul had diligently persecuted and put to death God’s people, believing that he was doing the will of God. When he had a personal encounter with Jesus Christ, he was truly born again of the Holy Spirit. The religious leaders who had been a party to his destruction of the Church were now ready to kill him, but he was now willing to die for Christ if necessary.
10. How did Saul (now known as Paul) show his faith in Christ and the Gospel of salvation? Acts 16:25-34.
11. How did Peter and the other apostles set an example for us to follow? Acts 5:12-20, Acts 5:25-33.
Note: Each of us should examine our own faith. Is it worth dying for? Read II Corinthians 13:4-5.