Obstacles That Weaken Faith

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Preview: A lesson about what gets in the way of our faith.

Scripture Reading: I Timothy 4:1-10.

Memory Verse: II Thessalonians 2:3.

1. How will the faithful be tested in the last days according to the foregoing Scripture Reading and Memory Verse?
Note: Even some of those who have been faithful will depart from the faith because of seducing spirits and listening to false information. We are already seeing this happening today.
2. How is it possible for one to depart from his faith in God? Romans 1:21-24, Hebrews 3:12, Daniel 9:5.
Note: A little doubt mixed with a spirit of rebellion destroys faith in truth.
3. Why will a lack of love for our fellowman affect our faith? I Corinthians 13:2, Galatians 5:6, I Timothy 1:5, I Timothy 1:14.
Note: We cannot have faith in a loving God whom we have not seen unless we can experience love for our fellowman.
4. How can our love for riches affect our faith? I Timothy 6:9-11, Proverbs 28:20, Matthew 19:23.
5. What will happen to our faith if we fail to put it into action by good works? James 2:17-26.
6. What can destroy our faith? Matthew 17:17-20.
7. What was Thomas an example of? John 20:24-29.
Note: Many today are like Thomas, they cannot believe what they cannot see and touch, therefore, they make themselves various, touchable idols (gods).
8. Why do some become weary in well doing and depart from faith? Matthew 24:45-51.
9. What must we add to faith in order for it to grow? II Peter 1:4-10.
10. What do we need to examine to make sure that we are in the faith? II Corinthians 13:5, Colossians 1:21-23.
Note: The race is not always to the swift or the battle to the strong, but the prize goes to the faithful who endure to the end.