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Preview: Baptism is a required step to our final salvation. It is important that we know as much as we can about the meaning and process of baptism in order for it to be effective in our Christian lives. The decision to be baptized is crucial and important and must be made with the full knowledge that you are giving your life to God and agreeing to sin no more, following only His ways. Because of this, you must be old enough and informed enough to make that life-long, life-altering decision before you are baptized into the Church. 

Scripture Reading: Romans 6:1-23. 

Memory Verse: I Peter 3:21. 

1. Where do we find the first mention of baptism? Matthew 3:1-6. 
2. What should always precede baptism? Acts 2:38 & Matthew 3:2. 
3. How important is repentance in connection with baptism? Matthew 3:7-10. 
4. What else should accompany baptism? Matthew 3:6. 
5. What does baptism represent? Romans 6:3-5 & Colossians 2:10-13. 
6. Did Jesus consider His ordeal on the cross to be a baptism? Discuss. Luke 12:50 & Mark 10:35-40. 
7. What change should be evident in our lives as we bury our old man and rise to walk in newness of life? Romans 6:7-14 & Galatians 3:27. 
8. What does true baptism accomplish in relationship to our sins? Acts 2:38 & Acts 22:16. 
9. What else does it accomplish for us? I Corinthians 12:13, Romans 6:3 & Ephesians 2:19. 
10. What does I Peter 3:21 say to us regarding the purpose and meaning of baptism?