True Christian Service III

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Preview: Our Conduct as Christians must be an example of all the Lord expects of us at all times.



Scripture Reading: I Timothy 4:7-16.


Memory Verse: I Timothy 4:13.


1. What disposition must we possess toward others before we can grow spiritually? I Peter 2:1-2.

2. Does true Christian service affect our appearance and speech? I Peter 1:14-16.

3. What kind of spirit will we manifest? Titus 3:1-3.

4. Will we be interested in worldly things? I John 2:15.

5. What are some of the worldly things referred to? I Peter 4:2-4.

Note: One true fact and proof of a Christian is that he or she cannot possess one kind of spirit and perform another. We are of the spirit that we demonstrate; neither can we follow the fashions of pride of the world and not be of the world. To be true servants of Christ means we are separate from the world.

6. What kind of songs should we sing? Ephesians 5:19-20.

7. Why should we be careful in our words? Matthew 12:36-37.

8. Are we required to glorify God in all we do? I Corinthians 10:31.

Note: A servant of God has no time to be careless, slothful, lying, or meddling, and we are not a Christian if we do such things. Jesus said: I must be about my Father’s business. 

9. If we do wrong is there a way to get by? I Peter 4:14-18.

10. Will those who stand for the truth be popular? I Corinthians 4:11-13.

11. How should we treat our enemies? Matthew 5:43-44.

12. What attitude will the world hold toward a true servant of Christ? Luke 21:16-17.

13. What is the reward for those that endure in the truth? Luke 21:18 & Revelation 2:10.

Note: Let us be true servants of Christ, for every work will be brought into judgment with every secret thing, whether it is good or evil. The harvest is great and the laborers are few. Let every professed Christian say: Here am I, send me, I will be an example.


Other Lessons* in this series:


True Christian Service

True Christian Service II

True Christian Service III


*Lessons in a series may not necessarily be in the same category.