Importance of Prayer

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Preview: As prayer is our primary means of communicating our needs to the Lord. We must understand how it works and what it means to pray so that we may be heard. 

Scripture Reading: Matthew 6:5-15. 

Memory Verse: Luke 18:1. 

1. By what title does the Psalmist approach God? Psalm 65:2. 
2. Who does the Bible teach will earn the Lord's reward? Hebrews 11:6. 
3. How willing is God to hear and answer prayer? Matthew 7:11. 
4. What is God willing to give if we ask? Romans 8:32. 
5. What is required of us to receive the things we need? Matthew 7:7-8. 
Note: Prayer does not change God, but it does change us and our relationship to God. Prayer is the opening of the heart to God as to a friend. It pleases us in the blessings we receive from God. For one to pray there must be a real desire of the heart. Forms of prayer does not make prayers. We must want something and realize how dependent we are on God for it. 
6. From whom do all good and perfect gifts come? James 1:17. 
7. What are we told to do if we lack wisdom? James 1:5. 
8. In which way should we ask the Lord to ensure we get what we are asking for? James 1:6-7, Mark 11:24. 
9. Under what condition does the Lord not hear prayers? Psalm 66:18, Isaiah 59:1-2, James 4:3. 
Note: Prayer does not change God, but it does change us and our relationship to God. It places us in the channel of blessings and in the frame of mind in which God can consistently and safely grant our request. 
10. Whose prayers does Solomon say are an abomination? Proverbs 28:9. 
Note: Contention and discord squashes the spirit of prayer. Many grieve the Spirit and drive Christ from their homes by giving way to impatience and passions. Angels of God flee from homes where there are unkind words, contention, and strife. 
11. What did Christ say concerning secret prayers? Matthew 6:5-6. 
12. For whom did Christ teach us to pray? Luke 6:27-28, Matthew 5:44. 
13. How often should we pray? Ephesians 6:18. 
14. When was David and Daniel's special time for prayer? Psalm 55:16-17, Daniel 6:10. 
15. What must we do when praying in order to be forgiven? Mark 11:25-26. 
16. What spirit should be in our prayers? Philippians 4:6. 
Note: Remember we cannot hate those for whom we pray and expect to get an answer or receive the blessings we are asking for. Prayer must come from love. We must love our enemies to really pray for them. Do we love them? 
17. How often should we pray? Ephesians 6:18, I Thessalonians 5:17, Psalm 145:2. 
18. How often did David say he prayed? Psalm 55:17. 
19. How often did Cornelius and his family pray? Acts 10:2. 
20. In whose name did Christ teach us to pray? John 14:13. 
21. Why did the unjust judge answer the widow’s prayer? Luke 18:4-5. 
Note: The lesson we get from this parable is that men ought always to pray. If this widow by her continual asking received her request from such a man, surely God, who is just and answers the earnest prayers of His people, will answer us, though we may have to wait for it.