Christ - Our Passover

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Preview: The meaning of Christ’s sacrifice for our sin is revealed in this lesson. 

Pre-reading: Psalm 81:1-16, II Chronicles 30:2-27, II Chronicles 35:3-11. 

Scripture Reading: Hebrews 9:1-28. 

Memory Verse: Hebrews 10:10. 

1. Discuss the need for blood sacrifice for sin in the foregoing Scriptures. How did the Blood of Jesus differ from the other sacrifices? 
2. How perfect did the sacrifice have to be? Exodus 12:3, Exodus 12:5, Leviticus 22:19-22. 
3. How did Christ’s sacrifice (our Sacrifice) meet the requirement? I Peter 1:18-25, Hebrews 9:14. 
4. How did Isaiah describe the nature of the Lamb of God (Jesus)? Isaiah 53:6-7. 
5. How was this prophecy of the nature of the Lamb of God fulfilled? Mark 15:1-5, Luke 23:8-11. 
6. What example did Jesus set for us? Luke 23:20-25, Luke 23:33-34. 
7. Does God expect us to follow His example? Why? I Peter 2:19-24. 
8. What instructions did God give concerning the bones of the Passover lamb? Numbers 9:1-2, Numbers 9:12, Exodus 12:46, Psalm 34:20. 
9. How did Jesus fulfill this requirement and prophecy? John 19:31-36. 
Note: Notice how perfectly the prophecy was fulfilled. Only the God of Creation could have brought this to pass. How can we doubt His greatness, or His love for us? 
10. What was God’s promise to Israel? Exodus 23:12-17, Exodus 23:20-27. 
Note: Israel failed to obey God and lost the promised blessing. Today, we must always keep our eyes on Jesus Christ and stay unspotted from the world.