The Life of Jesus

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Preview: A review of the life of Jesus Christ.

Scripture Reading: Matthew 1:18-21.

Memory Verse: Matthew 1:21.

1. Why was Jesus sent into the world? Matthew 1:21.
2. Who sent wise men in search of the child Jesus? Matthew 2:7-8.
3. How were these wise men guided to the child? Matthew 2:9.
4. Where did the wise men go after seeing the young child? Matthew 2:12.
5. What warning did Joseph receive? Where did they flee to? Matthew 2:13-15.
6. Why did Herod have all children, two years and under, slain? Matthew 2:16.
7. Where, and by whom, was Jesus baptized? Matthew 3:13-15.
8. How was Jesus tempted after His baptism? Matthew 4:1-11.
9. Who scourged Jesus? John 19:1.
10. Who betrayed Jesus? Matthew 26:47-50.
11. What did Judas do with the thirty pieces of silver? Matthew 27:2-5.
12. Who bore the cross? John 19:17.
13. What happened to the light when Jesus was crucified? Matthew 27:45, Luke 23:44.
14. Which disciple stood by Jesus’ mother at the crucifixion? John 19:26-27, John 21:24.
Note: The one called St. John wrote those words. Therefore, it was John that took the mother of Jesus.
15. Was the veil of the temple rent from the top, middle, or bottom? Luke 23:45, Matthew 27:51.
16. On what day did Jesus arise? Matthew 28:1-7.