God Directs His People

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Preview: A look at how God places important people at the exact time and place in history in order for His greater plan to come to fruition.


Scripture Reading: Esther 4:1-17.


Memory Verse: Proverbs 16:9.


1. What is time to God? II Peter 3:8-9.

2. Does God have control? If so, to what extent? Colossians 1:16–17, Isaiah 45:7-8.

3. Why does the Lord have control over kings? Proverbs 21:1.

4. Why are wicked people placed in the path of the righteous? Proverbs 16:1-5.

5. What is the importance of King Ahasuerus’ insomnia? Esther 6:1-12. 

Note: While the king having insomnia may seem like a coincidence, the fact of the matter is that had the king not had insomnia, he would not have been reminded that Mordecai needed to be rewarded for saving his life. This insomnia was given to King Ahasuerus by God and it single handedly resulted in saving Mordecai’s life from the wrath of Haman.

6. How was Boaz placed in the path of Ruth and why is it important that it be him? Ruth 2:5-12, Ruth 2:19-20.

7. Why is it important that Ruth marry Boaz specifically? Ruth 4:9-22.

Note: Boaz has a direct genealogical line down to David, who has a direct line down to Jesus. God put people together throughout history in order to have Jesus born to the right people--all of which end up being righteous people, even when they didn’t start off that way (i.e. Ruth).

8. How was Moses strategically saved and placed? Exodus 1:22, Exodus 2:1-10.

9. What did Moses’ salvation allow him to do for God? Exodus 3:7-15.

10. Should we trust in the Lord to place us where we are needed? Jeremiah 29:11.