Laws of the Theocracy

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Preview: This lesson is a guide to the laws of the Bible. Since the Bible is the foundation of the legal system of all civilized nations, it is very important that matters concerning the laws be understood.

Scripture Reading: Exodus 19:8-20.

Memory Verse: Exodus 19:8.

1. Discuss the awesomeness of God from the foregoing Scriptures and the method that He used to get the attention of His people.
Note: When this took place, not only were the Israelites awestricken by the smoke, fire, and shaking of the mountain, but the heathen nations around them must have recognized the power and greatness of Israel’s God.
2. What happened after the children of Israel promised to obey God? Exodus 19:10-11.
3. What did God tell Moses? Exodus 19:20-25.
4. What message did Moses bring back to the people from God? Exodus 20:1-17.
5. How did the people react? Exodus 20:18-19.
6. What did Moses say was the purpose of God’s Laws? Exodus 20:20.
Note: Then, as now, God’s Laws were not against His people, but were given to prove us and to teach us the fear of God so that we will recognize and avoid sin.
7. Which Commandment did God stress to the people? Exodus 20:3, Exodus 20:22-26.
8. How emphatic was He about this Commandment? Exodus 34:12-17.
Note: It was not the fourth Commandment, but the first being stressed. If we can keep the first Commandment, there is little doubt that we will be faithful in keeping the others.
9. Do we have reason to believe that God had given these laws to man in the beginning of creation?
    A. How does Genesis 3:1-5 cover the first Commandment?
    B. How does Genesis 4:3-5, & Genesis 4:8 break the first, sixth, and tenth Commandment?
    C. Genesis 2:1-3 tells us that the fourth Commandment was a part of God’s Creation. Read Exodus 16:22-28, the Sabbath was commanded to be kept before Israel reached Mt. Sinai.
Note: Man has always had the Royal Law, otherwise, he could not have sinned because sin is the transgression of God’s Law. I John 3:4.