General Conference

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Preview: The Church is specifically organized to help God’s people. As it was then, so it should be today. 

Scripture Reading: Luke 24:36-53. 

Memory Verse: Luke 24:39. 

1. What did Jesus instruct His followers to do when they were not agreed? For what purpose? Luke 24:49. 
2. What happened in Jerusalem as they tarried, studied, prayed together, and became agreed? Acts 2:1-7. 
3. What happened when the widows were neglected in the daily giving of food? Acts 6:1-2. 
4. What was the decision of the multitude pertaining to the widows? Acts 6:3-4. 
5. How did Paul write to his Church to help the people when there was not enough food and clothing for those in Jerusalem? I Corinthians 16:1-4. 
Note: They were supposed to lay aside, in their own individual storehouse, and they were to gather it on Sunday, so there would be no gathering when they came for their donations. Paul felt obligated to the people of Jerusalem. 
6. How did the Governor desire to disrupt his mission at another time when Paul entered Damascus? II Corinthians 11:32. 
7. How did Paul escape the death trap? II Corinthians 11:33. 
8. How long was it before Paul returned to Jerusalem? Galatians 2:1-2. 
Note: The greatest battles that confronted Paul and the apostles were circumcision and the Passover. Even though some of the Pharisees had accepted Christ and His shed blood, they still clung to the circumcision as being essential to salvation. Bear in mind that Paul found it needful to go to Jerusalem to consult with the multitude of apostles and elders there. 
9. Was Paul compelled to circumcise Titus as he did Timothy? Why? Galatians 2:3. 
10. Who brought these questions up? Galatians 2:4. 
11. Are we to have bishops in the Church of Christ today? What are their qualifications? I Timothy 3:1-7. 
12. Was Paul an overseer? Who made him one? Acts 20:28. 
13. Should we have evangelists in the Church? I Corinthians 12:27-30. 
Note: Local Churches cannot afford to have all these spiritual officers, and few can afford to support a pastor and his family, therefore it is wise to have all Churches in Christ Jesus cooperate together, sending their tithes to the headquarters and distribution can be made wherever it is necessary. 
14. Where should the tithe be turned in? Malachi 3:10. 
Note: The storehouse is the headquarters of the Body of Christ. 
15. What did the members do with their possessions? Why? Acts 2:44-45 & Acts 4:32. 
16. How many were in need? Acts 4:34. 
17. Where did they place the proceeds of their sale? Acts 4:35 & Acts 4:37. 
18. Who did Paul minister to in Jerusalem? Romans 15:25-26. 
Note: Notice carefully that Paul was concerned about the poor in Jerusalem, as he made the contribution to them. 
19. How far did the Gospel go in the days of Paul? Romans 10:18 & Colossians 1:23. 
20. What is the Lord's intent for us to share the gospel? With whom? Matthew 28:19-20. 
Note: A Church standing alone can never preach the Gospel to all of the world, but when the Churches work together, like the fingers on your hand, great things can be accomplished for the Lord. 
21. Did the Lord Jesus pray that all His followers should be one, as He and the Father are one? John 17:20-21. 
22. Has the Lord said He would finish His work and cut it short? Romans 9:28. 
Note: We must be agreed before we can be united, but as long as we stand apart, we can do nothing for the Gospel of Christ. Therefore, we must come together often and become agreed, and speak the same thing; then we will find the Lord will use us. Nothing can destroy the Church of Christ; but some are opposing His organized system and trying to do all they can against it. Let us not forget: “Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety.” “Without counsel purposes are disappointed: but in the multitude of counsellors they are established.” (Proverbs 11:14 & Proverbs 15:22).