The Power of the Holy Spirit

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Preview: Many examples of the power of the Holy Spirit are given throughout the Bible.

Scripture Reading: Psalm 33:1-15.

Memory Verse: Colossians 1:16.

1. By what power were the heavens and the earth created? Psalm 33:6-9.
2. Do we have any proof elsewhere in the Bible that the world was created by the Word of God? John 1:1-3.
3. How far back do we learn of the demonstration of the Holy Spirit? Genesis 1:1-2.
4. What substance was man made from and by what power did he receive life? Genesis 2:7.
5. How did Elihu speak of the creative power of the Almighty God? Job 33:4.
Note: The Hebrew word for Spirit is “Ruach” (breath). The Latin word is “Spiro” (to breathe). The Almighty breathed His Spirit into man and he became a living soul. Also, at the creation, the Holy Spirit, brooding over the dark chaos, quickened it into life, order, beauty, and fruitfulness.
6. What took place in the camp of Israel when the seventy elders chosen by Moses stood before the tabernacle? Numbers 11:16-17.
7. What gift of the Spirit was manifested among them? Numbers 11:25.
8. Were the two young men who continued in the tabernacle after the Spirit came upon them heard prophesying as an evidence of being filled with the Holy Spirit? Numbers 11:26-27.
9. Did this strange demonstration of the Holy Spirit cause some to react adversely? Numbers 11:28.
10. How did Moses act upon the suggestion of the young man? Numbers 11:29.
11. What supernatural power did Samson possess? Judges 14:5-6.
12. How did Samson avenge his enemy? Judges 15:14-16.
Note: How wonderful it is to be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. Great men of God have done mighty works through the power of the Spirit. Moses with a rod in his hand struck the rock and water came forth. Elisha, with the mantle of Elijah, smote the waters of Jordan and it was divided. Samson, with the jawbone of an ass, slew one thousand. Peter was so charged with the power of God that even his shadow, when it passed by, brought healing to the sick and suffering.