The Missionary's Reward

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Preview: The life of a missionary is often hard, but there are compensations.

Scripture Reading: Jonah 3:1-10.

Memory Verse: Matthew 28:20.

1. As a missionary how did John the Baptist carry out his duties? Matthew 3:1-10 & John 1:6-8.
2. How was he rewarded for the task? Matthew 3:7 & Matthew 3:13.
3. How successful was Jonah’s work as a missionary? Jonah 4:11.
4. What rewarding result did Peter and the other apostles see after sharing Jesus with the multitude at Pentecost? Acts 2:14, Acts 2:37 & Acts 2:41-42.
5. Even in prison Paul and Silas shared their faith. What was the result of such ministry? Acts 16:25-34.
6. What was Jesus’ promise to the faithful missionary? John 14:12-13, Matthew 5:19 (last part) & Matthew 28:20.
Note: Jesus also promised that He would Himself prepare a mansion for each of His servants (John 14:1-3). Paul testified that a crown of life awaited him and all them also that love Christ’s appearing.
7. What is the greatest reward the faithful missionary will receive? Revelation 22:12-14.
Note: The missionary does not always have to wait until the resurrection in order to enjoy his reward. In Isaiah we read: “If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land and ye shall ride upon the high places of the earth.” Some of our predecessors actually saw the fruits of their labors, while others did not. May God help us that as we face up to the challenge of the mission field, we may not strive so desperately to go into all the world until we have tried to win those in our homes, schools, places of work and neighborhoods. Christ’s coming is near. We need to work overtime. We will be rewarded according as our work shall be.