Are the Children of God to Marry Unbelievers?

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Preview: God’s views on marriage in and outside of His Church are explained.

Scriptures Reading: II Corinthians 6:14-18.

Memory Verse: II Corinthians 7:1.

1. What sort of marriages were allowed by the children of God after the fall of man? Genesis 6:1-2.
2. How did this affect the Almighty God? Genesis 6:6-7.
Note: The sons of God went to the outside and married wives of men. Therefore, God was displeased with them and the flood was the result.
3. What did God tell His chosen people about marrying unbelievers, or heathen? Deuteronomy 7:3.
4. What did God say it would cause His people to do? Deuteronomy 7:4.
5. Did Paul hold up the marriage standard as God had commanded? II Corinthians 6:14-16.
6. Did Paul tell the people to be separate from the unclean (sinners)? II Corinthians 6:17.
Note: The Lord has warned His people down through the ages not to marry unbelievers. It will cause the children of God to go away from God (Deuteronomy 7:4). The Lord has never approved of that kind of marriage and never will.
7. What mistake did Solomon make concerning marriages? I Kings 11:4.
Note: Solomon, like so many today, disregarded God, and took wives of those that the Lord had forbidden, and when he was old they turned away his heart from the Lord. No Christian can marry an unbeliever without a serious risk of his Christianity being taken away. Young boys and girls should not marry without the full consent of both parents. A Christian boy or girl is forbidden by God to marry outside the Church.
8. How did Abraham select a wife for Isaac? Genesis 24:1-14.
Note: Abraham sent his servant to those of like faith, so that his son would not marry out of the faith. He knew the command of God. In Bible times parents had a large part in selecting a mate for their children.
9. How does Christ recognize marriages of God’s children? Matthew 19:6.
Note: What God hath joined together should not be divided. God will not join a saint of God and a sinner. He plainly said to not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. It is impossible for a saint of God to remain in the spirit of God and disobey God. The Church must stay on the foundation of Christ. Christ has forbidden that we marry out of the faith, and therefore we must marry in the Church. God forbids that we do otherwise. We must obey God rather than man.
10. By what Commandment has God guarded the marriage tie, or relationship? Exodus 20:14-17.
11. How long is a marriage binding upon two people? Romans 7:2 & I Corinthians 7:39.