Without Vision, We Perish

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Scripture Reading: Isaiah 41:21-22.          


Memory verse: Proverbs 29:18.


1. What type of vision is essential to our salvation? 

Answer: This is a reference to Spiritual Vision. Sad to say few so-called Christians have a vision, and do not know they will be lost without Spiritual vision.

2. Why is it essential that we grow in grace and knowledge? II Peter 3:18.

Note: There is no neutral place in Christian life. Those that do not grow in knowledge of the Lord, are in a dying condition. Therefore, the prophet says: where there is no vision the people perish.

3. What vision did Jacob have? Genesis 28:12-14.

4. Who was the only man able to interpret Pharaoh’s dream? Genesis 41:14-16 & Genesis 41:25.

 Note: Joseph was the means of saving the whole nation from perishing. None of the wise men could interpret God’s words.

5. What vision did Moses have? Exodus 3:2-4 & Exodus 3:10.

6. How did the Lord speak to Israel? Genesis 46:2-3.

7. What was Daniel’s vision? Daniel 7:1.

 Note: God’s people have always had visions of future things, and today when you speak of visions, they think it’s silly.

8. How should we test the false teachers? Isaiah 41:21-22.

9. By what should we test the sayings of all prophets? I John 4:1 & Isaiah 8:20. 

10. How may we further test the sayings of false prophets? II Peter 1:19-21.

Note: By the law and testimony, we test every religious speaker. The prophecies are the testimony of Jesus. If their sayings do not agree with the sayings of the Lord, we cannot accept it lest we be led astray.

11. Upon what did Christ build His church? Ephesians 2:20.

12. What did the Lord place in the church? II Corinthians 12:28.

13. What did the Lord say for us to covet? II Corinthians 14:39.

Note: Prophecy is the eye of the church. It helps us to see the future.