Our Lord's Great Prophecy

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Preview: Christ left us many lessons on the time of the end to enable us to recognize when it is near without fear and to prepare ourselves for His coming. 

Scripture Reading: Matthew 24:1-13. 

Memory Verse: Luke 21:31. 

1. How did Christ seem to feel concerning Jerusalem as He was about to make His final visit to the city before His crucifixion? Luke 19:41-42. 
2. What are some of the things Jerusalem had done to make Christ feel this way toward them? Matthew 23:37. 
3. How did He foretell its destruction? Luke 19:43-44. 
Note: The people of Jerusalem had gone on doing the things that pleased the flesh, until they had gotten into a condition that could not be remedied. This kind of condition brought on the destruction of their city. 
4. What did He say as He was about to leave the temple? Matthew 23:38. 
5. What questions arose in the minds of the disciples after hearing these words? Matthew 24:3. 
6. How did Christ reply to their questions? Matthew 24:4-8. 
7. What did Christ say would happen among the brethren prior to the destruction of Jerusalem? Matthew 24:9-12. 
8. Who did He say would be saved? Matthew 24:13. 
9. When did Christ say the end would come? Matthew 24:14. 
10. What sign did show forth the nearness of the destruction of Jerusalem? Luke 21:20. 
11. What were the disciples to do when this sign appeared? Matthew 24:15-16. 
12. How long were they to wait before fleeing when this sign appeared? Matthew 24:17-18. 
13. What were they to pray for? Matthew 24:20. 
14. How great were their tribulations to be? Matthew 24:21. 
15. For whose sake should those days be shortened? Matthew 24:22. 
16. Against what deception did Christ then warn us? Matthew 24:23-24. 
17. What did Christ say were signs of His coming and the end of the world? Luke 21:25-26. 
18. What are some of the first signs to appear? Matthew 24:29. 
19. How is this expressed by Mark? Mark 13:24-25. 
20. Are these signs past, present, or future? Matthew 24:34-35. 
21. How sure is God’s Word? Matthew 24:35. 
22. How did He describe the signs in the earth? Luke 21:25-26. 
23. What did Christ tell His people to do when these signs begin to come to pass? Luke 21:28. 
24. What is the next event to follow? Luke 21:27 & Matthew 24:30. 
25. What did Christ make a parable of concerning this? Matthew 24:32. 
26. What may we know by this parable? Matthew 24:33 & Luke 21:31. 
27. What other parable did Christ give? Matthew 24:37-39. 
28. Who only knows the exact day Christ will come? Matthew 24:36. 
29. What are we instructed to do? Matthew 24:44.