Sign of Jesus

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Preview: A lesson on the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Scripture Reading: Matthew 12:38-45.

Memory Verse: Jonah 1:17.

1. Why did Nicodemus believe that Jesus was a teacher from God? John 3:1-2.
2. What did the Pharisees demand of Jesus to prove his Deity? Matthew 12:38.
Note: Christ had proven Himself by miracles and as a teacher sent from God. But the Pharisees wanted some greater sign.
3. How did Christ address the Pharisees? Matthew 12:39.
Note: Jesus understood the intent of the heart.
4. What definite sign did Jesus give? Matthew 12:40.
Note: Many believe that Christ died on a Friday and rose on a Sunday. How many days are there between Friday and Sunday? How many nights are there between Friday and Sunday? Does this agree with what Jesus himself says in Matthew 12:40?
5. How long was Jonah in the fish belly? Jonah 1:17.
6. What part will the Ninevites have on the resurrection day with the Pharisees? Matthew 12:41.
7. Was Christ to die according to the Scriptures? I Corinthians 15:3-4.
8. According to what Scripture did He die? Mark 15:42-44.
9. What was abolished and nailed to the cross when Christ died? Ephesians 2:15.
Note: The commandments contained in ordinances are not the Ten Commandments or the moral law. The ordinances were written by Moses for his people to use until Jesus came. The ordinances were “works” and Jesus taught us to live by faith in Him and not by the “works” taught in Moses’ time. These “works” were to prepare the people for Jesus. They used sacrifice to cleanse their sins. These sacrifices prepared the way for men to believe that Jesus’ sacrifice of Himself could cleanse our sins. Jesus’ sacrifice was the last “work” for men. After he died, we were instructed to live by faith (in Jesus) and not by “works” alone.
10. On what day of the week was Christ crucified? John 19:31.
11. What day did Christ arise? Matthew 28:1-3.
Note: The verse does not say that it was the first day of the week. It does clearly say it was at the end of the Sabbath day. God does not reckon time from midnight to midnight as man does. God begins and ends His days at sundown. (Genesis 1:5, Genesis 1:8, Genesis 1:13, Genesis 1:19, Genesis 1:23 & Genesis 1:31) Also, note that by the time the women arrived at the sepulcher, Jesus had already risen. (Matthew 28:6)
12. Were the Priests troubled about the sign Jesus gave? What did they ask of Pilot? Matthew 27:62-66.
13. On what preparation day did Christ die? John 19:14.
14. On what preparation day was Christ buried? John 19:42.
Note: Christ died and was buried on the preparation of the Passover, as the Scriptures teach, Jesus was the Lamb of God. And as Christ was the Lamb of God, He was to die on the day they slaughtered the lambs. As Christ put an end to animal blood, so did His blood take away our sins. He died on the preparation of the Passover, and not on the Passover. (John 19:14)
15. Did Christ eat the Passover the year He died? John 13:26-30.
Note: If Christ ate the Passover, He ate it in the grave after He died, as the preparation day was the day before Passover.
16. Was the meal, mentioned above, eaten on the Passover day? (Note the first seven words) John 13:1-2.
What does the Scripture say of partaking of the Lord's cup and of the Devil's cup? I Corinthians 10:21.