Before Armageddon: Part 2 of 2

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  1. Preview: Merriam-Webster defines Armageddon as: the site or time of a final and conclusive battle between the forces of good and evil. Recognizing when and how this will take place is covered in this lesson. This is the second part of a two-part lesson of the same name. 

    Scripture Reading: Amos 8:4-12. 

    Memory Verse: Isaiah 2:20. 

    1. Is it wise and safe to unite with the church confederacy? Why or why not? Isaiah 8:12. 
    2. Why can’t they stick together? Isaiah 8:20. 
    3. With whom only are we safe to unite? Isaiah 8:13. 
    Note: The Federation of Churches will all go down before Armageddon. The cry that we are in the last hour of time, or the last day, is a lack of understanding. Many false teachers are scaring people saying that this is the last year. 
    4. What famine must take place before Armageddon? Amos 8:11. 
    5. Where will they go to find spiritual food? Amos 8:12. 
    6. How will it affect the young virgins and young men? Amos 8:13. 
    7. What will the rich be doing with their silver and gold? Isaiah 2:20. 
    8. Where will they flee for refuge? Isaiah 2:21. 
    9. For what will they pray? Revelation 6:15-17. 
    10. Will they seek death and not find it? Revelation 9:6. 
    11. How did the angel demonstrate the destruction of the harlot mother? Revelation 18:21. 
    Note: This is still future. How can any Bible student read the Word of God on the second coming of Christ, and declare to the world that this is the last year? The Lord will come as the prophetic Word has declared He would come. 
    12. What else must come to pass before Armageddon? Revelation 13:11-12. 
    13. What visible evidence will He manifest? Revelation 13:13-14. 
    14. Will the image speak; and will men be forced to bow down to the image? Revelation 13:15. 

    Other Lessons* in this series: 

    Before Armageddon: Part 1 of 2 
    Before Armageddon: Part 2 of 2 

    *Lessons in a series may not necessarily be in the same category.