Why We Should Understand Biblical Genealogy

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Preview: This lesson was created to share the importance of biblical lineage and genealogy as it relates to our Messiah. To know Jesus in the New Testament, we must understand how His coming was designed by God from the very beginning. 


Scripture Reading: Matthew 1:1-16.

Memory Verse: Isaiah 53:5.


1. From the scripture reading above, discuss the reasons Matthew opened his gospel by describing the lineage of Jesus. 

2. What is the significance of tying Jesus to Abraham? Matthew 1:1, Genesis 12:1-3.

Note: Matthew understood the prophesy in the Old Testament for the return of the Messiah. By communicating the lineage of Jesus back to Abraham, Matthew demonstrated a fulfillment of prophesy. He also connected Jesus to the chosen people, the Jews, as was mentioned in Genesis.

3. What other significant house was Jesus from? Isaiah 9:6-7.

4. Discuss why you believe this to be an important connection. Jeremiah 23:5; Jeremiah 33:17.

Note: Jesus’ lineage through David is designed to show the King of Righteousness will arise from this royal house and rule forever.

5. Did God’s design always follow the rule of family hierarchy? Why or why not? Genesis 25:23.

6. How did Rebekah and Jacob contribute to God’s plan? Genesis 27:1-10.

7. What came from this deception? What did Jacob receive from Isaac? Genesis 27:28-29.

8. Why was this important? Who came from Jacob’s line and not from Esau’s? II Samuel 23:1.

9. Who did Jacob become? Genesis 35:10.

10. Which of Israel’s sons was David descended from? Genesis 38:29; Ruth 4:18-22.

11. How many generations are there from Abraham to Jesus? Matthew 1:17.

12. Why do you think Matthew mentions this? Discuss why you think this is important as it relates to today.

Note: By reading and understanding the biblical lineage in both the Old and New Testaments, we can follow God’s plan for our salvation. God knew from the moment of the first sin, Jesus would be the ultimate sacrifice for mankind. The Bible gives us a perfect example of how God’s will is done through the accurate record of Jesus’ family tree.