An Introduction to Jesus - The Law Versus Grace: Part 8 of 13

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Preview: This series of lessons is dedicated as an introduction to Jesus. This is the eighth lesson in a thirteen-part series on this subject.

Pre-reading: II Timothy 2:4-15, Psalm 119:1-8, Jeremiah 3:14-19.

Scripture Reading: Acts 21:17-25.

Memory Verse: John 1:17.

1. Discuss from the foregoing Scriptures the covenant of the law versus the covenant of grace.
2. What laws were abolished? Ephesians 2:11-17, Colossians 2:14-17, Colossians 2:20.
Note: It was the laws regulating the ordinances pertaining to circumcision, blood sacrifices, keeping of feast days (which were also called Sabbaths), and all of the ordinances that foreshadowed Christ; the laws written by Moses in books (the Mosaic Laws).
3. What example did Paul use to explain this? Romans 7:1-6.
4. What example did he use to explain the difference between the letter of the law and the spirit of the law? Galatians 3:1-9, Galatians 4:20-31, Galatians 5:1-6.
Note: Abraham had a son by Hagar; there was nothing supernatural about that. In this allegory it depicts the sacrificial ordinances which were performed by the efforts of man (Mosaic Laws). When Sarai was way past childbearing age she and Abraham had a son. This was a supernatural birth (impossible for man). This depicts our spiritual birth in Christ; an act that was possible only with God.
5. What other proof do we have that the law that was abolished was not the Ten Commandments? Galatians 5:16-25.
6. How did Paul explain our spiritual death and new life in Christ? Galatians 2:16-21, Romans 6:1-12.
7. What did Jesus teach concerning the Ten Commandments? Matthew 5:17-19.
8. How do we know that He was speaking of the Royal Law (the Ten Commandments)? Matthew 5:21-22, Matthew 5:27-28.
Note: When Jesus came into our lives it was no longer necessary to offer blood sacrifices, but He promised to put His Laws in our hearts and minds. They become our nature, not just a set of rules, but a living reality. Jesus is the only way.
9. What awesome warning did the apostles give us concerning this? Hebrews 10:16-23, Hebrews 10:26-31, II Peter 2:20-22.
10. Why did Paul say that this would be a difficult subject to understand? Hebrews 5:8-14.
Note: We must mature in Christ before we can understand the Word. This requires time for study and prayer and a personal relationship with Him through the Holy Spirit.

To Be Continued…

Other Lessons* in this series:

An Intro to Jesus - The Word: Part 1 of 13
An Intro to Jesus - Prophecy Concerning Jesus: Part 2 of 13
An Intro to Jesus - The Divinity of Jesus: Part 3 of 13
An Intro to Jesus - The Godhead: Part 4 of 13
An Intro to Jesus - Oneness with God: Part 5 of 13
An Intro to Jesus - The Power and Authority of Jesus: Part 6 of 13
An Intro to Jesus - Man's Need for a Savior: Part 7 of 13
An Intro to Jesus - The Law Versus Grace: Part 8 of 13
An Intro to Jesus - God's Two Covenants: Part 9 of 13
An Intro to Jesus - Who Do Men Say That I Am: Part 10 of 13
An Intro to Jesus - Who Do Men Say That I Am: Part 11 of 13
An Intro to Jesus - Jesus Taught With Authority: Part 12 of 13
An Intro to Jesus - Lo I Come in the Volume of the Book: Part 13 of 13

*Lessons in a series may not necessarily be in the same category.