Abortion: Part 1 of 2

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Preview: The Biblical views of abortion. Part one of a two-part lesson on this subject.

Scripture Reading: Psalm 139:1-13.

Memory Verse: Psalm 139:14.

1. Does God know all about us even before we are born according to the foregoing Scriptures?
2. Who designed and created us? Psalm 139:15-16, Psalm 100:3 & Isaiah 44:2.
Note: God alone can design and create life. In His eyes we are a person; created in His own image even before conception. How dare we abort a life and not realize that we are committing the grossest kind of murder?
3. Did Job realize that not only did God make him, but He alone had the right to abort his life? Job 10:8-9 & Job 10:18-19.
4. Did he wish, in the midst of his distress, that God had taken his life at birth? Job 3:11.
Note: A whole book was written about the suffering and patience of Job. What a wonderful example of life would have been lost to us if Job’s life had been aborted.
5. Was the great suffering and death of Christ foretold many years before His birth? Psalm 22:1-13.
6. How do we know that the Psalmist was singing about Jesus? Psalm 22:15-18, Matthew 27:35 & John 19:23-24.
7. What did he foretell would be accomplished by the life of Christ? Psalm 22:22-28.
8. Do we find this prophecy fulfilled? Matthew 1:18-23.
Note: If the mother’s of Job and Jesus had lived in today’s society and medical science could have foreseen the future suffering of their offspring, they no doubt would have been advised to abort their babies; all in the name of human kindness.
9. How does God regard those who shed innocent blood? Proverbs 6:16-17.
Note: Abortion is never justified in the eyes of God; instead, it is an abomination!

To Be Continued…

Other Lessons* in this series:

Abortion: Part 1 of 2
Abortion: Part 2 of 2

*Lessons in a series may not necessarily be in the same category.