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Preview: A discussion of sin and its consequences. 

Scripture Reading: Genesis 3:1-24. 

Memory Verse: I Corinthians 15:21. 

1. What is sin declared to be? I John 3:4. 
2. How do we know when sin is committed? Romans 7:7. 
3. What is said of those who continue to sin? Ezekiel 18:20. 
Note: A soul is the entire man, not something extra that is place within him and separated from the body at death. This death that is here spoken of by Ezekiel is not the natural death of the separation of life from the body, but the separation of the soul from God forever. 
4. What step did God take against Adam and Eve when they sinned? Genesis 3:16-24. 
5. What promise did God make for the restoration of the race? John 3:16. 
6. What is the result of sin? Romans 6:23 (first part). 
7. Should the children of God sin because they are flesh? Why not? Romans 6:10-13. 
8. Why does God expect us to live a righteous life? Romans 6:19-22. 
9. In what way was death passed upon all men? Romans 5:19 (first part). 
10. What is said in the Scriptures about the sinners of Noah’s day? Genesis 6:5. 
11. What will be the final reward of the wicked when Jesus comes? Matthew 25:41. 

Other Lessons* in this series: 

Sin II 

*Lessons in a series may not necessarily be in the same category.