Abortion: Part 2 of 2

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Preview: The second part of a two-part lesson regarding the Biblical views of abortion.

Scripture Reading: Psalm 127:3-5.

Memory Verse: Proverbs 17:6.

1. Is it clear in the foregoing Scriptures that God intended children to be a blessing and not a curse?
2. Who did Isaiah say formed and created him? Isaiah 44:2.
3. For what purpose was man created? Isaiah 44:3-4.
Note: Everything that God made was created for His glory, and He saw that it was good. Man was a special creature; he was made in God’s image!
4. How did man’s attitude change the course? Isaiah 28:15 & Isaiah 30:1 & Isaiah 30:9-11.
5. What did the prophets foretell about those who shed innocent blood? Jeremiah 2:33-34, Isaiah 59:2-3 & Isaiah 59:7.
Note: Millions of innocent, unborn babies have been slaughtered in the past few years. In most cases, those shedders of innocent blood have justified their actions. God does not!
6. Did this same attitude exist in Jeremiah’s day? Jeremiah 2:34-37, Jeremiah 8:9 & Jeremiah 8:12.
7. Are possible birth defects justifiable reasons to abort a fetus? Exodus 4:11 & Isaiah 45:9-12.
Note: Since God prescribed and made us, we question His wisdom and justice when we even consider abortion.
8. Are some birth defects the result of the sins of the parents? Exodus 20:5.
9. Should these be aborted or looked down on? Romans 5:17-20.
Note: It is not the inherent physical defects that make us what we are; it is an attitude of mind. God’s grace is sufficient to cover all defects.
10. Does God extend His grace to some but not to all? Acts 10:34-35 & Hebrews 13:5.

Other Lessons* in this series:

Abortion: Part 1 of 2
Abortion: Part 2 of 2

*Lessons in a series may not necessarily be in the same category.