The Law and the Gospel

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Preview: It is our responsibility to educate ourselves thoroughly in God’s expectations. His Law is our guideline to avoid sin and align ourselves on the side of the Lord.

Scripture Reading: John 15:1-14.

Memory Verse: Luke 6:46.

1. Discuss the Scripture Reading and Memory Verse.
2. What relationship did the sacrificial law have with grace and salvation? Galatians 3:17-26.
Note: This was not the Ten Commandment Law. The sacrificial law came through Moses; a law written in a book. Galatians 3:10.
3. What relationship does the Ten Commandment Law have with conversion and grace? Psalm 19:7-8.
4. Does saving by grace through faith make void the Law of God? Romans 3:31 & Romans 6:12-16.
Note: It is Christ in us (grace) which makes us obedient to God’s Laws.
5. What results when we try to keep God’s Laws and we have not been born again? Romans 7:14-25.
6. How do we relate to the Law when we are under grace (born again of the Spirit)? Romans 8:1-9.
7. Will those that are saved by grace keep the Commandments of God? John 15:10.
8. Who is he who says that he is saved by grace and makes void the Law? I John 2:4.
9. In whose love does he that keeps the Law abide? I John 2:5.
10. Why can’t the Law and grace be separated? Matthew 22:37-40.
Note: The Law and the prophets hang on the love of God and the love of man. Therefore the Law and grace cannot be separated. Love must be destroyed first and before love can be destroyed we must destroy Christ. Those that make void the Law and think they will be saved by grace will land in the lake of fire.
11. What relationship has Law with sin? Romans 3:20.
12. Can there be sin without the Law? Romans 4:15, Romans 5:13 & Romans 7:7.
13. How do we recognize sin? Romans 7:8 & Romans 7:12-13.
Note: Only by knowing God’s Laws are we able to know that our relationship is with God.
14. Can we be saved by grace and transgress God’s Laws? I John 3:1-6.
15. To whom do we belong when we deliberately break God’s Laws? I John 3:7-10.
Note: Trying to keep the Law does not save us, but, when we come to know God through Jesus Christ our Lord, we desire to be obedient to Him. This is God’s grace!
16. What is the strength of sin? I Corinthians 15:56.
17. What were we freed from through Christ’s death? Romans 8:2.
18. Why couldn’t the Law free us from sin and death? Romans 8:3.
Note: The Law cannot save. The Law shows us what sin is, and the Law shows us what righteousness is.
19. What part of the Law will we fulfill after Christ has condemned sin in our flesh? Romans 8:4.
20. Why can’t a carnal mind keep the Law? Romans 8:7.
21. Will those that make void the Law enter through the pearly gates? Revelation 22:14.