Our Jewish Roots - God's Firstborn Nation: Part 3 of 13

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Preview: A history of God’s chosen. This is the third part of a thirteen-part series of lessons on this subject.

Scripture Reading: Exodus 19:1-17.

Memory Verse: Exodus 4:22.

1. What did God promise His firstborn nation in the foregoing Scripture Reading and Memory Verse? What was their response?
2. Review God’s covenant promise to Abraham over five hundred years earlier. Genesis 12:1-3.
Note: These people were to be the source of blessings to the whole world.
3. What did Pharaoh and the Egyptians recognize after the death of all of Egypt’s firstborn? Exodus 12:30-33.
Note: The purpose of Israel’s enslavement and difficult delivery was to demonstrate to all the world that their God was the Great I AM, or, translated into Hebrew: “Yahweh”. Exodus 9:29.
4. What proof do we have that the Lord of Creation and the Lord of Israel is one and the same? Exodus 31:16-18, Exodus 20:10-11.
Note: The Sabbath is a perpetual covenant between the Creator and His people (the Church, or Body of Christ); it is forever, it cannot be changed. Matthew 5:17-19.
5. How did Paul tie the Sabbath rest to our salvation rest in the Lord? Hebrews 4:1-11.
Note: The Sabbath covenant between God and His people not only stands as a memorial of His creation of the world and Israel’s deliverance from Egypt’s bondage, it also depicts man’s re-creation from a sinful nature, to become righteous before God. Read: Romans 8:1-2, Romans 8:5-9, II Corinthians 5:17-18 & Galatians 6:15.
6. How many years did God provide manna to Israel? Exodus 16:35.
7. How did God introduce Himself at Mount Sinai? Exodus 20:1-6.
8. What happens to those who misuse or abuse the name of God? Exodus 20:7, Leviticus 24:11-14, Psalm 139:20.
Note: We can take God’s name in vain through cursing or profanity. We also take it in vain when we worship Him with our words but our hearts are not right or obedient. Matthew 15:7-11.
9. How did Moses explain the purpose of God’s Laws? Exodus 20:18-20.
10. How did God know that man would be prone to put more emphasis on the place and method of worship than on God Himself? Exodus 20:22-26.
Note: Today we see so much stress put on fancy, elaborate buildings. Greed for material wealth is being taught as spiritual success, while God’s Laws are denied.

To Be Continued…

Other Lessons* in this series:

Our Jewish Roots - What is in a Name: Part 1 of 13
Our Jewish Roots - God Delivers His People from Bondage: Part 2 of 13
Our Jewish Roots - God's Firstborn Nation: Part 3 of 13
Our Jewish Roots - A Constitution is Given to God's New Nation: Part 4 of 13
Our Jewish Roots - A Constitution is Given to God's New Nation: Part 5 of 13
Our Jewish Roots - A Constitution is Given to God's New Nation: Part 6 of 13
Our Jewish Roots - Did Israel Love God or the Land: Part 7 of 13
Our Jewish Roots - Did Israel Love God or the Land: Part 8 of 13
Our Jewish Roots - God Knows the Heart of Man: Part 9 of 13
Our Jewish Roots - Entering the Promised Land: Part 10 of 13
Our Jewish Roots - The Lion of Judah: Part 11 of 13
Our Jewish Roots - A Light to the Gentiles: Part 12 of 13
Our Jewish Roots - The Mystery of God is Revealed: Part 13 of 13

*Lessons in a series may not necessarily be in the same category.