Our Jewish Roots - Did Israel Love God or the Land? Part 7 of 13

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Preview: A history of God’s chosen. This is the seventh lesson in a thirteen-part series of lessons on this subject.

Scripture Reading: Deuteronomy 1:1-8.

Memory Verse: Deuteronomy 1:10.

1. Do we find in the foregoing Scriptures that Israel, who by then was a mighty nation, was about to enter into the Promised Land? Discuss. 
Note: In our last week’s study (Our Jewish Roots: A Constitution is Given to God’s New Nation Part 6 of 13) we left Israel on the border of their Promised Land. Because they had not trusted God to fulfill His promise, they had been afraid to go in and claim what was already theirs; therefore, they had wandered about in the wilderness for forty years. All of Israel that was twenty years or older, when they came out of Egypt, had died except Moses, Caleb, and Joshua.
2. What instructions did God give them at this time? Deuteronomy 2:1-6, Deuteronomy 2:8-9.
3. With what did God blessed them while in the wilderness? Deuteronomy 2:7, Deuteronomy 2:30-36.
4. What was Moses’ sermon just before they went over to claim the land? Deuteronomy 4:1-5.
5. What happens when other nations see our obedience to God’s Laws? Deuteronomy 4:6-8.
Note: During Israel’s forty years in the wilderness, God had given them victory over Sihon, King of the Amorites, and Og, King of Bashan. The Lord permitted them to keep the wealth of those nations, Deuteronomy 2:30-36. Other nations honored and respected them, not because of their land and wealth, but because of their conduct and wisdom which came from their love for God and obedience to His Laws. This is true of God’s people today. Read what David said in Psalm 119:97-101.
6. What were these laws and precepts? Deuteronomy 4:13-14, Deuteronomy 5:1-2, Deuteronomy 5:6-22.
Note: God not only gave Israel the Ten Commandments, He instructed them in every phase of life.
7. What attribute made it possible for these people to be living epistles of God? Deuteronomy 4:29, Deuteronomy 5:29, Deuteronomy 6:1-6.
Note: Israel had God’s Laws and precepts before they wandered forty years in no man’s land, but love and respect for God had been missing in their lives. They wanted the land on their own terms.
8. What does God still require of His people? Matthew 22:32-33, Matthew 22:35-40.
Note: How strange that so many of our Christian leaders are looking for a lawless faith while the Bible plainly teaches that there is only one Lord and one faith. God does not change. What He required of His firstborn Church (Israel) He still requires today, and even more so because of the atonement of Jesus. By God’s grace we are saved.
9. Why did God choose Israel? Deuteronomy 7:6-9, Deuteronomy 10:14-15, Deuteronomy 10:22.
10. What was Israel commanded to have? Deuteronomy 10:16, Deuteronomy 30:6.
Note: Israel was chosen and blessed by the grace of God, not by their good works.

To Be Continued…

Other Lessons* in this series:

Our Jewish Roots - What is in a Name: Part 1 of 13
Our Jewish Roots - God Delivers His People from Bondage: Part 2 of 13
Our Jewish Roots - God's Firstborn Nation: Part 3 of 13
Our Jewish Roots - A Constitution is Given to God's New Nation: Part 4 of 13
Our Jewish Roots - A Constitution is Given to God's New Nation: Part 5 of 13
Our Jewish Roots - A Constitution is Given to God's New Nation: Part 6 of 13
Our Jewish Roots - Did Israel Love God or the Land: Part 7 of 13
Our Jewish Roots - Did Israel Love God or the Land: Part 8 of 13
Our Jewish Roots - God Knows the Heart of Man: Part 9 of 13
Our Jewish Roots - Entering the Promised Land: Part 10 of 13
Our Jewish Roots - The Lion of Judah: Part 11 of 13
Our Jewish Roots - A Light to the Gentiles: Part 12 of 13
Our Jewish Roots - The Mystery of God is Revealed: Part 13 of 13

*Lessons in a series may not necessarily be in the same category.